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rspm list packages#

Command to list packages

rspm list packages [flags]


  rspm list packages --repo=[repo name] --search=[search string]
    - List packages for a specified repo with an optional search string
  rspm list packages --repo=[bioc repo name] --version=3.11
    - List packages for a Bioconductor repo
  rspm list packages --source=[source name] --search=[search string]
    - List packages for a specified source with an optional search string
  rspm list packages --source=bioconductor --version=3.20
    - List packages for the Bioconductor source and version


      --count int        The number of packages to list per page. (default 100)
  -h, --help             help for packages
      --page int         The page or offset to use. (default 1)
      --repo string      The name of the repo for package listing.
      --search string    The search string of a package name to list.
      --source string    The name of the source for package listing.
      --version string   The Bioconductor version to use. For Bioconductor repos and sources only.

Options inherited from parent commands#

  -a, --address string             The address of the remote server. If not specified, the PACKAGEMANAGER_ADDRESS environment variable is used.
  -c, --config string              Path to config file
      --insecure-ssl-skip-verify   If true, skip SSL certificate validation. This reduces the security that SSL normally provides.
  -o, --output-format string       Specify the output format 'human' for human-readable output or 'json' for JSON-encoded output. (default "human")
  -v, --verbose                    Provide additional output